My Most Funniest Memory Of My Nana! x


Created by Mikaela 15 years ago
It had to be when we all went to calagran for the week. There was Nana,Auntie Bibis, Rio, Billie, Ben, Gary, Auntie Maggie, Steph, Anthony & Me. It was amazing, we all got sketch photos done, they are nice. My mum still has mine! The funniest thing nana done when we were there would have had to have been when she tried to dance on the dance mat! lol she didnt have a clue what to do. it was fun though. The last day of the holiday we all went to blackpool, me and nana went on this ride that went inside a building with spooky stuff inside then because nana was sitting in the wrong seat she got soaked lol. We also went to Blackpool Market it was great lol nana was in her eliment lol she loves all they wee bargains haha! (so does my mum.) Why is it when you start having really good fun and making memories something either goes wrong or someone dies? I suppose it must just be part of life everyone wishes would never happen. I miss nana so much, i stand outside my door on a sunday morning and hear the church bells, me and nana used to do that every sunday morning if it was nice! The sunny days are rubbish without nana because garanteed nana would drag me in to leith or uptown and we'd be there all day lol. I always remember when nana took me & steph to portobello we were playing in the sand and nana bought us chips lol the big dirty seagulls stole them! Nana hated seagulls but who doesn't. I Love You Nana! x x x x x x x x x